This past Sunday morning, May 6th, 2012 over 600 participants gathered for a single goal – to conquer Cancer in Our Lifetime. The Run or Walk to Conquer Cancer was once again a huge success. Participants collectively raised over $400,000! Together, the Run or Walk family has raised over $8.5 million to date for cancer research at The Princess Margaret!
On behalf of the Bras Family and the Bras New Drug Development Program, I am pleased to report that we raised $10,612 and with the incredible Wolf Pack headed by Wendi Wolf, who raised $3,650, our grand total is $14,262! In the five years since we have participated in this event, we have raised $82,871!
The Bras New Drug Development Program team also received two awards on the Sunday — one for being in the top 10 of funds raised for this event, and the other award for raising a total of $82,871 in the 5 years we have participated.
On behalf of The Bras New Drug Development Program we thank you for your support and for supporting Wendi’s Wolf Pack!
Leah Lambrakis Bras and Maggie Bras