Medical Team
Phase l Clinical Trials Team
Bras DDP medical team
at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
I could never have envisioned building a program quite like this,” Lillian admits. “Everybody feels such purpose. They know what they’re doing is important and they don’t want to fail anyone: patients, colleagues, or the program. They don’t want it to lose its cohesiveness, its quality. It’s definitely considered one of the top programs, not just in terms of science and research, but in terms of operational efficiency, quality and high standards. And yes, I’m saying this because it’s ours, but I think if you asked our peers, they would say the same.
Dr. Lillian SiuDirector Phase l Program
The Bras family’s generosity and commitment to new drug development has helped pave the way to more personalized cancer treatment, which is the focus of the Princess Margaret’s Billion Dollar Challenge for Personalized Cancer Medicine.
Greg LichtiVice President Development, The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
We all know someone who has been affected by cancer, and the BRAS Drug Development Program, under the directorship of Drs. Malcolm Moore, Amit Oza, Lillian Siu, Philippe Bedard and Albiruni Razak, has achieved credibility on an international scale, and the advancements being made will bring us that much closer to finding a cure for this dreaded disease…
Madam Hazel McCallionHonorary Chair of the BRAS DDP
The BRAS Drug Development Program is one of the largest and most recognized drug development programs in Canada. Over the years, this remarkable program has witnessed substantial team growth and brought renewed hope to patients who have exhausted other treatment options. The lives of cancer patients have been improved, and even saved, thanks to you.
Dr. Peter PistersPresident and CEO of University Health Network
The Bras Family was remarkably visionary in establishing this center, and Canadian cancer patients are certainly indebted to the family for their generosity.
Robert S. BellMDCM, MSc, FACS, FRCSC-President and Chief Executive Officer, University Health Network (Toronto)